Absolute Return

Schelcher Prince Gestion’s approach to Absolute Return aims to generate positive performance in all market conditions and independently of benchmark indices. Our investment managers work within this framework to shape an opportunistic strategy that supplements traditional bond management methods and generates performance from bonds (investment grade and high yield), interest rates, currencies, equities and across all geographic areas.

 Our Absolute Return portfolios currently account for almost €1.3 billion of the assets managed by Schelcher Prince Gestion.

 Lower volatility levels compared with more traditional strategies characterise our Absolute Return approach. Our fund managers continuously adapt their asset allocation to market developments to optimise medium- and long-term yields.

Our Absolute Return strategy combines our long-standing bond expertise with an opportunistic approach to credit. Strategic allocation and diversification are adapted to suit the risk level of each fund within the Absolute Return range.

Schelcher Prince Gestion’s approach to Absolute Return aims to generate positive performance whatever the market conditions by following a flexible, multi-asset strategy.


Fabien Labrousse
Multi strategy Asset Manager